Friday, January 14, 2011

Recording From Dvr To Wv20v6

Friday Sketch # 35 & Snow

Hello my dear blog readers,
have so just in time I got my DT work for Challenge # 35 finished by Friday Creative . I would gladly sooooooooooooooooooo much more time!

14 days are already around, and starts a new Challenge! This time we have
a great sketch for you, with the additional theme of "snow".
I'm curious what you think so, and I admire your work would love to be allowed.
This is the sketch:
And this is my card:

also still fits on the following challenges:
LovelyHänglarOnly # 15 - Recipe: 3 flowers, 2 brads, 1 Volume
Stampavie and More # 124 - Just Glitter
magnolia week 89 - my favorite things - ( my favorite are the flowers / the flowers)

I hope you like it. About a nice comment I would be very happy.


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