Friday, January 28, 2011

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Vintage Challenge # 36 at Creative Thursday

Hello my dear blog readers,
first I would like today to thank you for your patience, as it is currently quite stressful for me, so I can not make it unfortunately, you know regularly to visit your blog, or to show you more creative to me. I hope you still understand. In the coming days or weeks, it is here, therefore, remain calm. sniff. So please do not be angry, because there are fortunately again other times. "Thank God".

Today it is time again, and starts a new challenge at Creative Wednesday . This time we have
the theme "Vintage" chosen, and I'm curious what you think of it.
have a look on our challenge blog over, because you can win something great.

My card also fits even on the following challenges:
Stamp with fun # 95 - blue / brown
Everybody Art Challenge # 126 - my favorite things - for me it is the Paperdistresser that I love so so much
A spoon full of sugar # 136 - Valentine
Stampavie and More # 126 - love
NightShiftStamping - Blog Hop and the topic of top
Charisma Cardz Challenge # 4 - Love / Valentines

I hope you like it. About a nice comment I would be very happy. Show


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