Sunday, December 26, 2010

Workstation Furniture Music

Post X-MAS CANDY-BLOG-HOP at Creative Thursday

This post will remain until 26.12. festgetackert up here!


We, the team of Creative Friday have, let us think of something.

keeping with the holiday season starting today, there are up to 26.12. a Christmas Blog Candy Hop!

would like this we see a Christmas card to match your favorite Christmas song!

The inspirations she finds time on the individual blogs of the design team members. Each team member is a matching card, and each of us there's a small candy to win.
I chose for the song "Silent Night, Holy Night", with a motif of Di's Digi-Designs .
This is my card: to win

To my candy, please note these rules:

Just leave me a comment here below this post.
Then it jumps back to the blog of Creative Challenge Friday , and link your card at InLinkz.
Schat times, as you can win me
Good luck!
I hope you like it and I would be thrilled if you participated.


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