Monday, February 28, 2011

Parryware, Hindware, Cera

nursing at the breast

scandal in the Swabian town of breast-feeding at the breast. For years, sell the Italian ice cream "Mamma Mia" ice cream made of donated human milk. Despite numerous complaints of the applied mothers association remained the authorities have thus far stubbornly.

Although costs a whopping five € ball, but the customer has the choice between the flavors pumpkin, asparagus, carrots, peppers, oatmeal, ham pasta, Bolognese, organic turkey, Rahmbrokkoli and fish sticks.

Eiscafe-owner Francesco Bambinovic defends his business idea. "My ice meets all formal requirements and is gluten free, low in sodium and chair-regulating I even have a mothers room was set up, where they can." Milkmaid "expanded its mission to pursue and, incidentally, private contacts. Thus, the high quality of my product assured. Only a fortunate Mother is also a healthy milk. "

Whether the health department is of the same opinion remains to be seen. For next week, a visit from Mr. Bambinovic announced to take the long overdue samples and excluded by various tests of any risks to the customer. (spa)

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[Reader Statistics] February 2011

have this month I read the following books:
  1. The trace of the children - Hanna Winter
  2. The most evil book of all time - Magnus Myst
  3. Friedhofstraße 43 "ghosts there are ! - Kate Klise / M. Sarah Klise
  4. Kiss of the Night (Hardcover) - Jeanie Frost
  5. Why? Why? Why? "The World of Music" - Inca Friese and Hans-Günther Döring
  6. Fred & Anabel - Lena Hesse
  7. Froschalarm in the blue house - Susan Niessen / Elke Broska
  8. I can do it myself - Renate Schupp
  9. Melina and the forgotten magic - Susanne lunch
  10. moth dance - Lynn Weingarten
  11. mercy (audiobook) - Jussi Adler-Olsen
  12. desecration (audiobook) - Jussi Adler-Olsen
  13. The Chronicles of the Elves "blood elves" - Wolfgang Hohlbein
Here are the books then in numbers:
10 books spread over 2097 sites and 3 audio books. I was listening again to read it was really fun all / and I'm looking forward to the books / audio books drann coming next month.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Does Your Cervix Get Hard Before Your Period

"Wii Fit" and finally "Wii-F .. k" ...

... of course released only after 12 years.


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[Review] [111] The Chronicles of Elves - Elf blood

Author: Wolfgang Hohlbein

ISBN-10: 3800095033
ISBN-13: 978-3800095032

Publisher: Other World
Published: August 2009
Language: German
Number of Pages: 761 pages

MSRP: 19.95 €

A young woman from the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, an ancient legend, a journey into a lost, wintry world - Wolfgang Hohlbein elves epic sheds new light on the most fascinating figures of fantasy.

My review:
The book "The Chronicles of Elves - Elven Blood" author Wolfgang Hohlbein is a different elf epic, which I liked but still very good. The writing style is fluid and it's very good progress in history.

The book is divided into several chapters for which there is no fixed header but only a Roman numeral sequence. But it was my first book, I am hollow leg aufjedenfall fascinated by his story-telling and spelling. The cover like it very much and if you read the story, it fits well to super.

In the story itself it is a question that pops up the main protagonists Pia suddenly after an escape from a raid in a completely foreign world to them. Since it is the first time very briefly and only the second time it will be for longer. It is this world completely unknown and strange. Only gradually did they learn what is happening. If they manage to survive in this world or does it perhaps even get back into their world? I will not betray, be it said only what the book is very exciting and I was really fascinated by it.

was particularly well liked that the story is not directly in the unknown alien world starts but only once in a place which you may have heard that one by name. The author has done it great to describe the environment so that you did as a reader feel right inside. Although there appear throughout history to answer some questions and some be, but some still remain unanswered. So I'm totally curious how it goes.

The voltage keeps from the beginning and towards the end really exciting. Especially since it comes at the end other than it only gives the impression, but that I really like it. I also found fascinating the different characters of the story and their partial detailed description so that one could imagine this super.

Now I'm totally looking forward to the second part of this epic and looking forward that I read this right now, since he is not in my bookcase.

A very exciting book, with a slightly different story about the elves. This pleases me very well and so I can recommend the book repays further. It is exciting from the start and repays the reader is drawn into the spell.

This book receives from me: 5 / 5 stars
Thank you to the Other World publisher for this review copy.

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[Review] [110] desecration (audiobook)

author: Jussi Adler-Olsen
spoken by: Wolfram Koch

ISBN-10: 3898139905
ISBN-13: 978-3898139908

Publisher: The Audio Publisher
Published: 25th September 2010
Language: German
CD Number: 6 CD's
Total time: about 443 min

MSRP: 24 99 €

A corpse found in a summer house in Rørvig: Two sisters were brutally murdered. The suspicion falls on a group of students of an exclusive private boarding school, known for their violent orgies. Twenty years later, brings the Carl Morck Act out again and find new evidence. The trail leads up to the highest circles of society. Ice cold and brutally evil - the new thriller from the Danish-selling author, read by Wolfram Koch.

My review:
The audio book "desecration" by the author Jussi Adler-Olsen, spoken by Wolfram Koch is the second most interesting event around the Commissioner Carl Morck. The spokesman Wolfram Koch has already spoken, the first audio book and fits here too great to history. His voice is super nice and easy to listen to you is equal to the middle of the story inside.

Again, it is equally exciting going on and this voltage also keeps to the end. The story is about this time that Commissioner Carl Morck will enlighten a twenty years previous murder case because the perpetrators have not yet taken and condemned. He finds some very interesting tracks. Whether he is able to solve the case completely, I will not betray.

There is some change in perspective, in which we obtain even a small glimpse into the past and so I think history will live properly interred. As a listener you really with a fever with stakeholders and is so fascinated with the history. Only gradually did some inconsistencies come to light.

The voltage is aufjedenfall held from the beginning and towards the end, they will increase. Individual accounts are already really cruel and if you look at the image of you as I imagine you can already run down your spine. The end I find very good and I was surprised at what is still everything came out.

am now looking forward to the third round of Commissioner Carl Morck and can not wait to hear this as an audiobook.

A very successful audio book, which, as even the first part goes under the skin. The tension is built up great and keeps out about the whole story. The change of perspective to ensure that you get a comprehensive view, and this pleases me very well. An audio book I can recommend them definitely.

This audio book is replaced by me: 5 / 5 stars
Thanks to Publisher The audio for this review copy.

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[Review] [109] Erbamen (audiobook)

author: Jussi Adler-Olsen
spoken by: Wolfram Koch / Ulrike Hübschmann

ISBN-10: 3898138844
ISBN-13: 978-3898138840

Publisher: The audio publisher
Published: 13th October 2009
Language: German
CD Number: 5 CD's
Total time: about 386 min

MSRP: 16 99 €

Commissioner Carl Morck are over. After a traumatic event in the service he was posted in the Special Branch Q to reopen unsolved cases again. The story of a young politician, who five years ago without a trace disappeared, awakens his investigators believed buried instincts. The more Morck engrossed in their files, the greater the inconsistencies. Is it really possible that the woman is still alive? A stunning debut, gripping read by Wolfram Koch that takes the listener into the deepest depths of the human soul.

My review: is
The audio book "Erbamen" author Jussi Adler-Olsen, spoken by Wolfram Koch and Ulrich Hübschmann a very exciting psychological thriller that gets under your skin. The two speakers' voices are very pleasant and super fit to History.

It is in the audio book is the first criminal case of the Commissioner Carl Morck and it is told from two different perspectives. For one, you're in the presence and then we learn again what happened in the past. The speakers are each one of the two perspectives.

spokesman Wolfram Koch tells everything that happened in 2007 around Carl Morck and how he comes to the case. spokeswoman Ulrike Hübschmann told at the beginning of the past in 2002 and then approaches the end of the story slowly the presence of. This narrative is very interesting because you learn so still a lot of background knowledge and it repays to the tail exciting.

In the story itself it is a question that a young politician without a trace disappeared 5 years ago and to date no evidence of their forwards. The commissioner Carl Morck is now rolling this old case again and goes behind clues. Whether he finds the right track, I will not tell it was just so much said it repays exciting.

The voltage starts already at the beginning and at the same increases on until the end. By pleasant speaking voices you feel put himself right into history and fears with each step. I was totally fascinated by the audio book and could not let go. The author correctly understands well his readers (in which case his listeners) to the story tie.

the end I was successful here, because you have a short time before had such a presumption as it is now definitely starting but this is not eigetroffen. So I was really fascinated and surprised about how it is then assumed Finally. But I really liked it. Now I'm looking forward to the second case, the Commissioner Carl Morck and can not wait to hear this audiobook.

A very exciting psychological thriller that is definitely under the skin. The speakers voices are very comfortable and fit just great to history. I liked the audio book very well, and I can not recommend any further on the most interesting stories is. Simply a very successful audio book with a lot of thrills.

This audio book is replaced by me: 5 / 5 stars
Thanks to Publisher The audio for this review copy.

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Pope in free fall

For years, he is famous in his divine orbit, but stop making it!

This old heap of junk no self drive more, has this But a few screws loose and is the sacred soil of Day to day closer. fall

That he is, is certain. When will he fall is still unclear. Whether he will burn up on entry into Earth's atmosphere or not, will depend on its daily form.

Many many people doubting he could to bring disaster. Begin to pray that is better immediately, before it's too late for you and your blasphemous rascals. Otherwise, he will meet you! At least part of it. Guaranteed.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sharking At The Beach

rhymes nothing to Rau

Source: Locus
Dear Tobias,

recently to warn children and youth from the temptations and dangers in professional football, after all, you are indeed the failure of Deisler generation that was thrown at seventeen years at the deep end and never by the cold shock re- could fully recover.
Were not you the one who asked me at the age of fourteen years, whether I would still want this dream called Bundesliga and interest in a trial in your team? Apparently, my skills were in the head ball game can look like other old fellow, but I declined the invitation with thanks. So I like and then kicked me so much rolling in Matsch joy prepared, I decided this game would rather follow from the stands. That was amusing and harmless.

They made a brilliant career and barely reached the highlight of your athletic success, it was even just as quickly back into the valley. After all, you is not the reputation of the "eternal Talents" for more than that, it was in your year already known to many. And at least you managed (with the generous support of the teachers) your mediocre high school and have achieved something and off the field. The fact that you now switch to the teaching profession and many young people want to spoil the dream of professional football, to then to chase with a whistle in the woods, I find questionable. On the one hand, we do not know how many potential Schweinsteiger and Özil the DFB could therefore go through their fingers. On the other hand, ex-athletes play always like to have the moral high ground, when their careers are not optimal, and has gone to their disadvantage.

Many former professional player were to gain after your athletic career with the publication of a book a better conscience. Maybe you would have done quite well. Describe in detail your experiences but to the evil manager, the depressive playmaker or the gentle advances of gay referee. Scandalous would have to report You certainly enough. After all, you played with Leitwölfen and top dogs like Stefan Effenberg and Michael Ballack on a team. Why is it that you get with superficial brawn such media coverage, from even a Eike Immel now can only dream? Where is your damn shock-biography, which I've been waiting anxiously for years? Why do not you look for a decent sports editor and finally expect relentlessly from the ruthless machinery of football? Missing you because of your studies you have the time or (expressed in goalkeeper jargon) simply just do not lay eggs?

that football in general, not just rhetoric before the Lord, is undisputed. They go with more of a painful slips of the tongue than with sophisticated punch lines in the quotes Chronicle German sports literature. Exceptions prove the rule, fortunately. But you are no exception, Mr. Rau!
Giovane Elber brought the sad truth even to the point: "Football is a pork business," but at least he was laughing. The sound is not necessarily more honest than you, but credible in any case.

The next Wutrede is determined Your Juice Press

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[ Regal growth] [200] "Broken glass moon"

you I had so recently a Book Review presented on my blog. This was a small blogger campaign on the Facebook page by the publisher Script5 and everyone who had reported could choose a requested review copy. The action was limited in time but only one knew until later. * Grin * I still think in the time Book Review put online, I could choose to give them a book and now it's arrived.

Some time ago I had reviewed the audio book " Splitter heart" and I liked this story sooooo good, so I am ready for the second book the series decided.

Many thanks to the Script5 publisher for providing this review copy!

Betty Belitz
"broken moon"
is long past the summer, the Elizabeth opened storm eyes to the dangerous world of Mahre, the summer, where they fell in love with one of them . For months, Colin has now disappeared and Ellie tortured by a never-ending winter. The daily drip uniformly into space, at night, however Ellie is afflicted by nightmares that leave them confused.
To come to think of other things, a quartered Ellie with her brother in Hamburg. But she hardly recognizes Paul: He seems tired and rushed and
seems to hide something from her. The more she immersed in Paul's world, the more clearly about Ellie is a sense of threat and suddenly they no longer know who they can still trust. Little does she know that her concern for Paul and her love for Colin could it hurt deeper than the abysmal dream ...

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[Regal growth] [199] "elder Moon"

Today I received an unexpected post. The book sounds very interesting and I'm just waiting to see the story. Besides the book was still a nice letter and a small Notebook, which is equal to find their way into my purse. * Grins *

This review copy of my Coppenrath Verlag has provided. Thank you very much for this!

Jutta Wilke
"elder Moon"
enchanted How does the old monastery in the soft light of the moon. But Nele suspects that lurking behind its thick walls, a secret which is closely linked with the sudden disappearance of their father. Determined to solve the riddle, she puts herself together with her boyfriend Flavio the dark forces of the monastery against.

Friday, February 25, 2011

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Holofernes advertises it anyway IMAGE

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Creative Challenge # 38 - bottle

Hello my dear blog readers,
today begins a new challenge at Creative Wednesday . For Challenge # 38 we have this time chosen a theme for you, that is because "pimp" bottle ".
I had unfortunately at the moment is not an empty glass bottle, I cut me a bottle of cardstock, and pimped it a little. It had to happen quickly once again. "Grrrrr." So I became more plain and simple.
The template to be found here .
I'm curious what you think, and would be glad if you join in.

I hope you like it. would over a nice comment I am very pleased.
I also wish to remind you again to my Candy. Particulars you learn here .
LG Babs

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[Product test] Children's Book

Today I received a personalized children's book to the test. Provided it was me by the online shop children's , here you get personalized children's books as an ideal gift for each child. The books children are

it with various themes such as fairy tales and stories , fun and games, kindergarten and school , and many other beautiful areas. At best, you just visit us some rummaging in the shop. Once you decided for one of the books has determined is a personal dedication and is still the name of the child. For here in the stories is the child of / the leading actor / actress. I find this really nice and I am now waiting with my daughter to read our book.

But now I want to tell you some of my test book. It is the book "In the era of the Knights " and also includes a personal dedication.
In this wonderful story the two children to the true heroes: It is thanks to your courage, that the specter Giselbert no longer is on the loose at Castle Thunder Stone and the Knights again sleep in peace.

In the age of chivalry:
18 pages - book size approx A4
Recommended Age: 4 to 10 years
for a child and a playmate / in.

Hardcover - sturdy and washable cover, large size - impressive size of 31x22 cm multi-color printing, and one off, each book is printed personally for you and contains your personal dedication on the 1st Page!
Here you can be my personal dedication on the 1st See book page.
"For our sunshine Chantalle Sopie. Your mama and your daddy Nicole Sasha.
After I then the first pages of history have ever read something, I had to smile because I remembered our last weekend. There, we looked at in a district of Hagen the Hohenlimburger castle and what I read in this book:
"This extraordinary evening will remain Chantalle Sophie long be remembered with her parents, she visited the magnificent Hohenlimburg that. On a wooded hill is. ... " This
like it very much that we have here then also the name of the castle taken in our neighborhood. Simply beautiful and because my daughter is equal to total delighted when, from the kindergarten comes. Finally, she is the lead actress, and her favorite stuffed animal Bodo is also found in it.

Together with my daughter, I will now explore the history and then also publish a separate post here on my blog. Until now, I'm already very excited and look forward repays me know how the story is in itself. to test

Many thanks to Mr. Kroos of children's for this wonderful book.

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[Regal growth] [198] "The Curse of the Angels"

So now I come to my second book, which gave me the author Jennifer Carpenter sent to.

Thank you so much for this review copy.

Christiane Gref
" the Vampire Angel "
working in the remote town Cravesbury the scientist Elena Winter Stone at a secret research project. But the success is coming. Elena to the secret of their rich mandates, Madame Hazard, comes. Only then, she is able finally to create mechanical angel.

must recognize Soon Elena that her creations are a danger to Cravenbury. Nevertheless, Madame Hazard unwilling to give up their experiments. On the contrary. Injured and disturbed by the open distrust of city dwellers, forcing her to Elena, angel of death to create a personal protection Legion.

Ironically, in one of these deadly angel, attractive Amenatos, Elena finds an ally. Together with him, the scientist is now everything to make their own creation harmless.

The new Angel series at Elysium!
further volumes in preparation

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[Regal growth] [197] "Blood Venus"

A few days ago I have of the author Jennifer Carpenter receive an e-mail if I want to discuss her latest book and review. Since I liked the theme of the book very well has, of course I said yes.
today then came to the book package and inside were two books mentioned. For the first author of the book Jennifer Carpenter "Blood Venus" and then a new book the author Christiane Gref "the Vampire Angel. The second book I will try this in another post.

Many thanks to the author Jennifer Carpenter for providing this review copy.

Jennifer Carpenter
"Venus blood"
This is the 3rd Part of a series of books.
After the immortality the vampire is extinct, it's up to Joel the last plot of the mighty Magnus to get on the track. But of all Judith, the daughter of this unpredictable human vampire turns out to be very stubborn. During the "Lord of the Shadows" is trying to elicit from Judith the last secret of her father, come the vampire queen and her most loyal enemy Hasdrubal the true secret of immortality on the track.
But the found fragments of the past to change the history of the entire vampire society - and the price of renewed immortality of vampires is unbearably high.

Small info about the series:
first Band - twin blood
second Band - honey blood
third Band - Venus blood

me but I'm particularly pleased with the dedication in the book of love, because it was personally signed by the author. Thank you very much.
"For Nicole! Have fun with" my "vampires"
about such markings like I am always delighted because it is not easy even to get books signed. * Grin * It now gets a nice place in my bookshelf next to my other books.

Now I'm on the curious history and can hardly expect to read.