Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ballerina Slippers Out Of Gum Paste

wants juice press blog

Dear Professor Jobs,
Dear Mr Dean Gates, dear reader

With this letter I would ask you to delete the address of this blog.

In recent days I've checked my intellectual abilities thoroughly again. And I came to the conclusion that I have occurred during the development of serious errors which are contrary to sound humorous works. The work has, I believe, but a satirical value.

One reason for my misbehavior is the fact that I was seven over too long a period over Months, written with numerous interruptions on the blog and apparently lost track of the use of sources sometimes have. But hold on I will, however, that I was wrong at any time carelessly or unintentionally.

This step is particularly painful for me, but it is a consequence of my mistakes. It is also necessary to damage has already occurred for the outstanding reputation of the free Internet, for my very honor-quality supervisor and estimated in this way for my second proofreader (me) limit. Second, does my property, understanding that I accept me with undivided attention to the great challenges of life.

For these reasons I ask the commission of the Google Internet University Mountain View, California, my request for the cancellation of this blog to meet and thank you very much for your efforts.

Hai Siekmann


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