Friday, February 25, 2011

How Many Calories In A Takeaway Special Chowmain

Creative Challenge # 38 - bottle

Hello my dear blog readers,
today begins a new challenge at Creative Wednesday . For Challenge # 38 we have this time chosen a theme for you, that is because "pimp" bottle ".
I had unfortunately at the moment is not an empty glass bottle, I cut me a bottle of cardstock, and pimped it a little. It had to happen quickly once again. "Grrrrr." So I became more plain and simple.
The template to be found here .
I'm curious what you think, and would be glad if you join in.

I hope you like it. would over a nice comment I am very pleased.
I also wish to remind you again to my Candy. Particulars you learn here .
LG Babs


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