you I had so recently a Book Review presented on my blog. This was a small blogger campaign on the Facebook page by the publisher Script5 and everyone who had reported could choose a requested review copy. The action was limited in time but only one knew until later. * Grin * I still think in the time Book Review put online, I could choose to give them a book and now it's arrived.
Some time ago I had reviewed the audio book " Splitter heart" and I liked this story sooooo good, so I am ready for the second book the series decided.
Many thanks to the Script5 publisher for providing this review copy!
Betty Belitz
"broken moon"
is long past the summer, the Elizabeth opened storm eyes to the dangerous world of Mahre, the summer, where they fell in love with one of them . For months, Colin has now disappeared and Ellie tortured by a never-ending winter. The daily drip uniformly into space, at night, however Ellie is afflicted by nightmares that leave them confused.
To come to think of other things, a quartered Ellie with her brother in Hamburg. But she hardly recognizes Paul: He seems tired and rushed and
seems to hide something from her. The more she immersed in Paul's world, the more clearly about Ellie is a sense of threat and suddenly they no longer know who they can still trust. Little does she know that her concern for Paul and her love for Colin could it hurt deeper than the abysmal dream ...
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