Friday, February 18, 2011

Get Well Spanish Sayings

[Regal growth] [195] "The mystery of the great swords 04 - The Angel Storm

So and now I present you the second book in front of my heavy book package.

Want to read my review of the first two books look once here (1st book) and here (2nd book) over. has

This review copy of my Klett-Cotta Verlag provided. Thank you very much for this!

Tad Williams
"The Angel Storm snow Simon Locke is determined to win for Prince Joshua, the last of the great sword.
But he succeeds with Princess Miriam Nagel Hell located? And which part Simon plays in the mysterious plans of Utuk'ku, the Green Angel Tower? While Binabik
discovered that the grave of King John is empty, Simon wanders through the maze is still under the angel storm.
then come together as the great sword at last, as the mad priest portrait has predicted 500 years ago, it turns out that their role is quite different than originally thought.

Small info about the series:
The mystery of the great swords 1 - The Dragon Leg throne
The mystery of the great swords 2 - The Farewell Star
The mystery of the great swords 3 - The Nornenkönig
The mystery of the great swords 4 - The Angel storm


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